Last Sunday as a busy day for us! For lunch, we drove over to Bowie, Maryland to visit our friends Will & Clair and their adorable one year old son Joseph! We had a great time at their lovely home, making homemade pizza for lunch and letting our little ones get to know each other…

Cutiepies! Mio meeting almost-1-year-old Joseph.
Cutiepies! Mio meeting almost-1-year-old Joseph.


Making homemade pizza!
Making homemade pizza for lunch!


Later that evening, we went to Gymboree Play & Music in Burke to celebrate our friends’ son Danny turning two! Mio and Danny had met a few months ago when we went to Frying Pan Farm Park. This was our first time going to a party at Gymboree, but it was a lot of fun and we can see why it’s so popular!

By the slide.
Mio at Gymboree play gym, looking intense. Playtime is serious business.


Butt sticking out of the tube tunnel
Butt sticking out of the tube tunnel


"Coast is clear!"
Sticking her head out: “Coast is clear!”


Peeking out.


I see you Mio!


Mio ran away from the group activity.
Everyone was supposed to hop on the “train,” but Mio ran away from the group activity.


Happy birthday Danny!
Mio with the birthday boy Danny, who loves trains!


Mio at the top of the slide.
Mio is doing her own thing (again) while everyone’s collecting balls.


Mio was in awe of the bubbles.
What finally piqued her interest were the bubbles!


Mio happily sitting inside the wheel.


Making music together.
Mio’s favorite was music time: she loved hearing the instructor sing, and enthusiastically shook her maracas along with the song.


The birthday boy!
Danny with his lovely mama Stephanie.


Playing with the parachute
Mio also loved the parachute! The kids had fun running around under it.


After an hour of fun-filled playtime, it was time to eat!

the beautiful cupcakes!
Beautiful cupcakes for Danny!


Danny with his parents!
Happy birthday Danny! The beautiful family. 🙂


Mio eating at the party.
Mio chowing down.


Looking up at the balloons.
Mio had a lot of fun! She was especially fond of her party hat that she got at the party, and still likes to wear it even a week later… 🙂