During the week we were in the Bay Area, we went on a mini-getaway (a vacation within a vacation for us) with Dan’s family for three days, and we chose to explore the Monterey Bay area, including Santa Cruz, Point Lobos, Big Sur, and Moss Landing, renting a beach house for two nights at Pajaro Dunes Resort in Watsonville. It was a fun few days in which we could really spend some quality time with Dan’s side of the family, and the girls had a blast!

Here are some photos from Day One, which was mostly spent in Santa Cruz.

Mirei enjoying Santa Cruz
Mirei enjoying the breeze!


Mirei and Daddy in Santa Cruz


Mirei and Daddy in Santa Cruz


Santa Cruz
There were clouds overhead and it was a little chilly, but still beautiful!


The Allens in Santa Cruz


Mirei with her aunties at Santa Cruz
Mirei with her aunties


Hyo and Dad at Santa Cruz


Dan and Mirei at Santa Cruz


Dan and Mirei at Santa Cruz


Santa Cruz strolling with Grandpa
Santa Cruz strolling with Grandpa


Walking wiht Mirei on the Santa Cruz boardwalk


Picnic lunch at Santa Cruz
Picnic lunch at Santa Cruz


Mio with Grandma at Santa Cruz
Mio with Grandma on the boardwalk


Mirei with Jackie at Santa Cruz
Mirei with Auntie Jackie


Mirei with Jackie at Santa Cruz


Looking down at the water
The sun came out to make it the perfectly sunny day!


Mirei and I walking down Santa Cruz wharf


Mirei and I at the Santa Cruz Wharf
Mirei and I at the Santa Cruz Wharf


Sunbathing sea lions at Santa Cruz
Sunbathing sea lions at Santa Cruz Wharf


Mirei and I at Santa Cruz Wharf


Mio and Grandpa looking down at sea lions
Mio and Grandpa looking down at sea lions


Mirei with Grandma at Santa Cruz
Mirei with Grandma


After thoroughly enjoying Santa Cruz, we headed over to Pajaro Dunes in Watsonville to settle into our beach house where we’d be staying for the rest of the trip — we’ll share photos from there in our next post!