I’m finally caught up on uploading photos from the past month, and I had to post some adorable photos from some playdates that Mio had with her baby girlfriends, both here in California as well as during our visit to Virginia! Scroll down for some cuteness overload….
Here is Mio at her friend Sofia’s! Sofia is four months older than Mio, and such a sweet and bubbly talker! She’s Mio’s only girl friend in the area, and so we love hanging out together. This was from our playdate right before we left for Virginia in December. Thank you Sonya for all the great photos!

While we were in Virginia, Mio met baby Clara for the first time. Clara’s Mommy and I went to high school together, and we happen to have the same exact birthday! (We were both Christmas babies!) Clara is exactly four months younger than Mio, but she is the same height!
Mio also got to play with Anna for a second time — they had met when they were only 8 and 11 weeks old back when we visited in June. It was so fun catching up with Pat and Theo, and seeing how much each other’s babies had grown. I hope that Mio and Anna can be close friends as they grow up, since they’re so close in age! π
We had a couple other playdates scheduled while we were in Virginia, but I forgot to take pictures when we went to visit my friend Erri’s kids, and then Mio got sick right before we were supposed to hang out with a bunch of our friends over in Maryland, so we couldn’t make it. I love that Mio has so many friends around the same age back on the East Coast… we miss it already!