I can’t believe that Mio is now 40 weeks old! That means that she’s now been in this world for just as long as she was in gestation. Amazing how time flies, and how much babies grow from such tiny helpless blobs to crawling, cruising, munching, babbling mini-humans in just over nine months. Human life is truly a wonder.

Love the rainbow polka dots...
40 weeks outside the womb.


She looks less like a baby in this outfit.
Looking less and less baby-like.


the shirt matches the tail ruffles on her skirt.
The shirt matches the tail ruffles on her skirt.


Mio in her polka dot outfit.
Thanks to Mama's friends having impeccable taste, Mio has the cutest outfits!


Mio with Mama, back in California
Mio with Mama, back in California.


On her tippy toes to see out the window.
Mio on her tippy toes, trying to see out the window.


Pointing at her reflection.
Pointing at her reflection.


Love the striping on the dress. Thanks Erri!
Mio tries to clap these days, except she does it with her hands in fists (instead of open palms).


And now she's uncertain of how to get out...
Mio somehow climbed into her toy box.


Silly Mio
Standing up in the toy box.


Playtime with Mama
Blurry but cute...


Trying to touch the DVD player.
Trying to touch the DVD player.


That's not food, Mio...
Mio also has a strange fascination with her Crocs. She's always trying to eat them!


We’re looking forward to seeing all the ways will Mio will continue to grow and surprise us in the coming year! πŸ˜€