Mirei is now over two weeks old! I’m feeling a lot more able-bodied these days, and while life with both a toddler and newborn can be quite challenging at times, it’s starting to feel a little more manageable now that a couple weeks have passed. Here are some photos of Mirei at two weeks old (along with some of Mio).
With my two sweet girls!
Mirei is starting to fill out now that she’s two weeks old. Definitely getting chubbier!
Goofy big sister Mio
Mio and Mirei have bathtime together for the first time. It did not go very well… Mirei still cries a lot during her baths.
Donut halo! Special thanks to Aileen for the Yummy Breakfast plush — Mirei was temporarily borrowing it from Mio. 😉
Mirei asleep against me. I wish I could bottle and preserve these moments forever…
Milk coma.
Wide awake and very alert!
Mirei sleeping, at 2 weeks old.
Love these funny poses newborn babies sleep in, with curled arms and legs.
Wide-eyed baby girl. Hello sweetheart!
All bundled up!
Drinking away… Daddy feeding Mirei to give Mama a break.
Mirei in her new Paddington Bear digs from Auntie Debbie! Thanks bestest ♥
Our family of four
16 day old Mirei
This newborn stage is so precious and sweet, and we are just soaking it all up because we know it’ll be over before we know it! Don’t grow up too fast, dear Mirei….
Mirei is 13 days old today, and she had her 2 week doctor’s visit yesterday. The doctor said she’s perfectly healthy! As is the case with most newborns, she lost some weight in the first few days after birth (she was 7 lbs 6.5 oz when we took her to the doctor Wednesday of last week), but she’s gained it back and is now heavier than her birth weight. She weighed 8 lbs 4 oz at yesterday’s appointment, putting her in the 61st growth percentile based on weight-for-age.
She measured 22 inches long, putting her off the charts for height-for-age (though I’m feeling dubious as to how accurate the nurse’s measurements were, especially with how much Mirei was moving during the measurement).
Mirei’s head size was 14 inches (up a half inch since birth), which is in the 70th growth percentile based on head circumference-for-age.
The doctor said she’s “perfect” in terms of health and growth. I’m so glad that Mirei is off to a great start — she didn’t even have any issues with jaundice! (What a relief!) She nurses a lot without any problems, and sleeps surprisingly well for a newborn, too. The first couple nights home from the hospital were a little rough because she’d be wide awake from 1am to 4 or 5am straight, but we were able to successfully shift her more awake time by keeping her stimulated and awake in the evenings, before we go to bed. She now only wakes to nurse a couple times in the middle of the night and promptly goes back to sleep afterwards, making sleep a whole lot better for Mama and Daddy! 🙂
Here are some photos of Mirei in these first two weeks at home…
Mirei’s first sponge bath at home, when she was 3 days old.
3 day old Mirei in her bassinet
Mirei being held by her auntie Miwa, as Mio looks up at the camera.
A very much posed picture of Mio and Mirei together… Mio looks like she doesn’t know what to do with crying Mirei.
5 days old. She always looks so alarmed when awake!
My girls taking a nap together. Much sweeter than my forcibly posed photo above. Candid, natural shots are best!
6 day old Mirei hanging out next to Daddy. She loves being cuddled and just feeling us nearby. It calms her immediately.
Wittle feet!
Mio peeking on her baby sister napping… 🙂
Sleeping angel… 9 days old.
Lovin’ on mama. Love these late night cuddles. ♥
Love that little fist… too cute! (Newborns sure do sleep a lot, as I’ve been rediscovering…)