Mirei is 100 days old today! It seems fortuitous that her 100th day falls on the same day as Kodomo no Hi (Children’s Day) and Cinco de Mayo! 🙂 So much to celebrate and be thankful for. We love you baby girl!

Mirei is 100 days old today!


For this special day, I dressed her up in this beautiful hybrid yukata/dress that our friend Noriko-san gave us. My mom kept gushing over how cute Mirei looked in it, saying that she looked like a little Japanese girl (well, she kind of is… haha*).

Mirei's 100th Day


Mirei's 100th Day


Mirei's 100th Day


Mirei's 100th Day
The cutest part of this outfit? The huge bow on the back!


To celebrate, my mom made a delicious sashimi and tempura dinner for the whole family! We didn’t have the traditional okuizome meal, but it was delicious and I ate a lot to ensure that Mirei could enjoy the meal, too! 😉
My mama cooked a celebratory dinner for Mirei's 100th Day. Thank you Obaachan! I ate a lot to ensure that Mirei could enjoy the meal, too!

Mirei's 100th Day
Mirei with us parents. Mio fell asleep before we could take a photo, so it ended up just being the three of us!


Happy 100th Day, Mirei! We can’t wait to see how you’ll continue to grow.