Sometimes, it’s the little things that help alleviate the stress of the daily grind. Life has been pretty draining and taxing on the nerves lately with the moving, being overloaded with client work, and just being my usual worrywart self. I have to keep reminding myself to think positive in times like these and appreciate the fact that I actually have so much and am really lucky to have wonderful people in our lives. Sometimes those reminders come in the simplest of forms…
The past couple weeks have been completely occupied with moving (which we will update about later), but we took a break last Sunday to meet up over dimsum in San Francisco with my friend Stephanie and her boyfriend Danny, who were visiting the Bay Area from DC for the weekend. I hadn’t seen Steph since last summer, so it was nice to catch up with my lovely friend after not seeing her for nine months! I wish they had been staying in the area longer, but I was grateful for the time that we could meet up, even if it was only for a couple hours.
I’ve made some great friends here in California in the past two and a half years, but inevitably I really do miss my friends from back East and am sad that I only get to see them once or twice a year. So it’s always really exciting when they are ever in the Bay Area to visit, even for a short time. It’s difficult to keep in touch with friends and family who are far away when you’re buried under projects at work and the menial tasks that end up taking over virtually all of your free time, but I’m determined to be better about it this year. I’m excited about the upcoming weeks because I just found out more friends will be coming into town, as well as for last minute opportunities that cropped up to fly out to see other dear friends that I haven’t seen in a while.
We also just booked our flight to Hawaii in June! Our friends are getting married in Honolulu, and since Dan and I both have never been to Hawaii and have not yet gone on an official honeymoon, we figured we’d take the opportunity to extend our stay there for a little over a week and just enjoy it and relax. We’ll be going to Oahu first and then flying over to Kauai for the second half of our stay. So excited! 😀 If anyone has any tips or recommendations on places to go, things to see, where to eat (you know us foodies), we’d love to hear them!
March 14, 2010 @ 12:10 am
so when are you going to visit me in tokyo??
March 14, 2010 @ 9:45 am
Hi Keiks! No trips to Japan planned anytime soon… although I really want to go! My parents and I were talking and we may go at the end of the year or next summer possibly. It’s been 6 years since I was last there so I’m dying to go! 😀
March 14, 2010 @ 6:06 pm
cool!! when in june are you going to hawaii? the food there is sooo goodddd
March 14, 2010 @ 11:52 pm
Hi bestest 🙂 We’re going to be in Hawaii June 11-19, so we’ll be back in time for when you come to Santa Clara!
I’m really looking forward to the food there! My coworker and friend gave me a whole foodie itinerary based on her trip, so I’m already super excited about trying all these places. If you have any recommendations yourself, let me know! Which islands did you go to when you went to Hawaii?
March 15, 2010 @ 9:29 am
hey hon, when are you two going to Oahu? I”ll be there for the last week in May up until June 6th. Am i missing u?
March 15, 2010 @ 1:01 pm
Aww we’re going to miss each other! We’ll be there June 11-16. We took your advice and decided to go to Kauai for the second half of our trip 🙂 Let me know if you have any other tips/recommendations!
March 15, 2010 @ 2:08 pm
this is so true! ur a great friend to have misono! 😀
March 15, 2010 @ 2:27 pm
Thank you Pammie! You are so sweet ♥
March 17, 2010 @ 2:30 pm
i went to oahu for a family reunion when i was a kid and all i remember from that trip was that drinking milk straight from a coconut isn’t as appetizing as it looks. i begged my mom to buy me a coconut, which the locals would insert a straw into a hole they had drilled into it and none of us could take more than a few sips of our coconut milk/water. that stuff definitely tastes better sweetened, beware!
and i went to the big island for spring break with eun and we stayed with jason lee. there is so much spam in hawaii but i like spam so it was cool to try it all these different ways. and the fruit there is so fresh! we had the tastiest pineapples and mangoes for breakfast everyday. oh man i’m getting hungry…
March 17, 2010 @ 7:28 pm
Bestest: haha* Okay, I will consider myself warned about drinking from coconuts. Dan may still try it, he loves coconut! I did hear there was a lot of spam in Hawaii… I actually never really had it until I tried spam musubi, which is sort of popular out here. I think it tastes okay depending on how it is cooked. I can’t wait to try the fruits and the shrimp trucks! Shrimp is my favorite food ever. 🙂