Happy Father’s Day to Dan, and to all the wonderful dads out there!

We're a lucky bunch to get to call him Daddy. ❤︎ Happy Father's Day Dan! :)

Our girls couldn’t be more lucky to have Dan as their Daddy! He works tirelessly for our family, and always makes sure he is 100% present for our children from the moment he comes home until they fall asleep, no matter how exhausted he may be from the workday. There are times when after our children’s needs are met, there’s little time and energy left over for each other. Gone are the days when we only had to worry about each other, when there was no shortage of sleep and our only commitment was to love and support each other. There are dark circles under my eyes, and noticeably more grays in Dan’s hair… but I cherish and love him in a way that I never could back then, because we’ve lived and loved through the sleepless, the mundane, the stress-riddled, the predictable and the less fairy tale-like moments of our lives together. And that is the kind of love that is real and will endure. He has our hearts for all of our days.

Dear Dan, thank you for all that you do. Your dedication to fatherhood is unparalleled. You’re our super hero, knight in shining armor, and best friend. We love you so much. Happy Father’s Day! ♥