Today, Mirei went in for her 4 month wellness exam. (She’s technically more like four and a half months old now, but since her 2 month visit was so late and was more like a 3 month visit, the doctor pushed back this exam as well.) The nurse and doctor were amazed at how big she is for her age, and doted over her wide-eyed smiles during the checkup. She of course cried during the immunization shots, but calmed pretty quickly afterwards.
Here are Mirei’s latest growth measurements.
Mirei now weighs 18 lbs 6 oz, which pushes her up in the 97th growth percentile based on weight-for-age.
She measured 26.5 inches tall, putting her in the 97th percentile for height-for-age as well.
Her head size is now 17 inches, which is in the 95th growth percentile based on head circumference-for-age.
I had felt like Mirei had gotten a lot heavier recently (she is now moving up to size 4 diapers!), but was still kind of stunned when they told me she was over 18 lbs! I looked back at Mio’s stats and found that Mio was 16 lbs at 4 months old, which at the time we thought was so heavy! lol. Turns out Mirei is even more of a chunker than her big sister was! We feel really lucky, though, that she is such a healthy and happy baby girl — we wouldn’t change a thing about our precious not-so-little Mirei!
Mirei’s 6 Month Doctor’s Visit | Blooming by the Bay
August 2, 2014 @ 10:33 pm
[…] that I thought that surely she would have tapered off a little in the pace of her growth since her four month visit two months ago, but nope! She wowed both me and the nurse with her off-the-charts growth […]