Happy 2014

First blog post of 2014! Hope everyone had a great new years, and we wish you all the best this year. We’ve been busy preparing for our little bundle of joy who is due to arrive any day in the coming weeks, going on the hospital tour, digging out baby gear and newborn clothes from storage, packing the hospital bag, installing the baby carseat, etc. Unfortunately I fell sick this past week (even though I got the flu shot last month!), and have been suffering cough, congestion, fever, and some sleepless nights. I went to the doctor who said it seems to just be a viral infection like the flu, so I’ve just been taking Robitussion which is safe for pregnancy. Hopefully I’ll be completely recovered in time for the baby’s arrival, as I’ll need all the energy I can get for labor and delivery!

I’m currently over 37 weeks, and I’m feeling a lot of pressure on my pelvic floor lately, which is making it hard to walk (it’s really more of a waddle these days) and climb stairs, and even driving short distances is difficult because my belly barely fits behind the wheel (since I have to be right up against it — darn these short legs!). I’m pretty much ready for this baby to come out any time — I know life will get much more hectic with the baby outside the belly, but life with her inside is getting really uncomfortable and exhausting that I think it would actually be a welcome respite for me! Pregnancy has always been tough for me, but this time around has been especially trying.

Mio has been clingier than usual lately, and her potty training which had been going so well a few weeks ago seems to have regressed and taken a few steps backward in the last couple weeks… we wonder if it’s because she senses the upcoming changes and can tell her days as an only child are numbered. It’s a little exasperating and frustrating, because she’d been doing so well! We may just have to revisit it again after the baby’s born, since I don’t have a whole lot of energy these days.

Below is a video I took of Mio singing part of the theme song to the Japanese show “Anpanman” which she loves to watch lately! It’s so cute to see her learn and sing songs on her own. (She was also singing some of “Jingle Bells” around Christmas-time.) Excuse the hoarseness of my voice… I’ve lost my voice since getting sick.