Labor Day weekend was a packed weekend for us. We got to see a lot of friends and did a lot of driving around! We drove to Maryland three times in five days. We got to meet up with some out-of-town friends from Ohio who were in Maryland to adopt their first baby (such an exciting time for them! Congratulations to Hiro and Kayo, and precious Hazel, who was just born on Monday), go to a drone meetup for Dan’s hobby group in Leesburg on Saturday, followed by a couple hours at Clemyjontri Park with Pat & Theo and their adorable girls, attend a birthday party for one of Mio’s friends (Happy birthday Maya!) on Sunday, and then on Labor Day we had lunch with Masanori and Komy who were visiting Virginia from New Jersey, and then enjoyed delicious BBQ in the evening at the Stein’s. Our whole family was pooped by the end of it all, but it was so nice to get to see a lot of our friends, many of which we don’t get to see too often as they live far away.
I didn’t get to take too many photos from the weekend, but here are some snapshots of Mio from this past week…