Saturday was a busy day, with back-to-back showers! After the surprise baby shower for Pat earlier in the day, we went to Xiaoyi’s bridal shower to celebrate before she ties the knot with her fiancé Bochen in April! Her bridesmaids Patty and Jennie did a wonderful job at organizing and planning the shower, as you’ll see from the pictures below…

The spread for Xiaoyi's bridal shower!
The spread for Xiaoyi’s bridal shower! So much good food to eat that day…


With Liz and Celia at Xiaoyi's bridal shower
With lovely ladies Liz and Celia!


Hanna and I at Xiaoyi's bridal shower
Sweet Hanna and I!


Delicious mocktails
Delicious mocktails!


With the bride-to-be!
With the bride-to-be! Special thanks to Patty for the picture. (I don’t have any others with Xiaoyi.)


Munching on the snacks
Digging in!


Gathering for games
Gathering for games… my favorite part!


Xiaoyi's Bridal Shower
Luice, Liz, and Hanna!


Modelling TP dresses
Modelling toilet paper ballgowns (instead of toilet paper wedding dresses, as Xiaoyi loves dramatic ballgowns)


Our team's toilet paper dress.
Our team’s toilet paper dress.


Ashly's scandalous couture dress!
Ashly’s scandalous couture dress! lol


Celia explaining the vision behind the dress.
Celia explaining the vision behind our team’s dress.


Beautiful favors at Xiaoyi's bridal shower
Beautiful favors at Xiaoyi’s bridal shower, created by Jennie.


Xiaoyi reading cards
Time to open presents! A lot of the presents were rated R, so no more pictures of gift-opening. 😉


The girls at Xiaoyi's shower
All of the ladies together at the shower.


I couldn’t stick around for the dinner and bachelorette party portion of the night, but I’m glad that I could catch up with everyone and help shower Xiaoyi with love before she bids goodbye to singlehood! ♥ I’m so happy for all the happy occasions among my friends this spring! So much to celebrate! 🙂