On Sunday, we went to Crissy Fields in San Francisco to attend Nakayoshi‘s Annual Welcome BBQ. We haven’t been able to go the past couple years because we’ve always happened to be out of town, but we were glad that we could make it this year, especially since it’s been a lot harder to go to Nakayoshi’s events since Mio was born. The BBQ picnic was a really family-friendly event, and it was a good chance for Mio to meet all her aunties and uncles in Nakayoshi! 🙂

Great job organizing, Jamie!
Jamie did an awesome job organizing the BBQ! We’ve known each other since she was a freshman at Virginia Tech who joined JCA during my senior year. It’s awesome having a fellow Hokie transplant in San Francisco, and I love that Jamie’s involved with Nakayoshi now! 😀


So much delicious food!
There was so much delicious food that everyone made!


The best spam musubi I've ever had! I loved that it had a spicy kick!
This was seriously the best spam musubi I have ever had.


Happily eating onigiri
Mio happily eating some onigiri.


Mio loves Graig!
Mio reunited with Uncle Graig — she loves him!


Mio with lovely Sam
With lovely Auntie Sam! Thank you for always being so sweet to Mio. 🙂


Haruka welcoming everyone
Nakayoshi Chair Haruka welcoming everyone welcoming everyone at the Meet & Greet.


Everyone listening


Mio and I
It was hard to keep Mio from running around everywhere during the Meet & Greet. (><)


Touchdown! She discovered a football.


Despite the foggy weather, it was a great turnout!

Chatting with old friends


It was a great turnout!


The Allens with Megumi!
Megumi made a surprise appearance — it was so good seeing her again!


Meeting Atsushi and Tiffany
Mio meeting Tiffany and Atsushi for the first time.


Mio giving high fives
Giving high fives all around!


Nakayoshi Games
Jason leading all the fun of the Nakayoshi Games!


Unfortunately, we couldn’t stay for the games because it was Mio’s naptime and she was getting cranky, but we heard it was fun! 😀 We’re glad that we could at least be there for the first half and see everyone again, as well as meet some of the newer Nakayoshi members!

With Megumi and Katie before saying goodbye...
With Megumi and Katie before saying goodbye.