Mio can’t get enough of being outside and walking around lately — when I take her outside, she’ll initially stand outside on the pavement, stunned and taking in all the sights and sounds and fresh air… and then a huge grin will spread across her face and she’ll start toddling around everywhere. It’s pretty adorable! But then when it’s time to go back inside, she starts crying and has a meltdown, because she wanted to stay out longer.
So you can imagine Mio’s excitement when she got to go to the park for the first time on Thursday! We had a playdate with her friend Sofia, and they live right by the park — both Mio and I had never been there, so it was a new place for both of us! Mio was overwhelmed, trying to take everything in and seeing all the other children at the playground (she’s really interested in other babies/toddlers lately, especially ones that are older than her). She even rode on the swing for the first time!

The park is about a 25-30 minute walk away, but we’d love to take more trips over there as the weather gets nicer! It’s great stimulation for Mio and good exercise for Mama, too! π I’m such a homebody, so it’s sometimes difficult to push myself to get out of the house, but I have to do it for both our sakes!
Thank you Sonya and Sofia for inviting us out to the park — we had such a fun time! π
March 10, 2012 @ 1:48 am
your blog is so cute! Γ’β’Β₯
March 10, 2012 @ 12:08 pm
so glad we met up on such a gorgeous day! loved watching mio toddle! looking forward to more!
March 10, 2012 @ 4:02 pm
Awww Misono! I cant wait to see her and you again and see how much she has grown!