A couple of weekends ago, my friend Sue from college was in San Francisco for some interviews. I spent a Saturday with her and her friend Matt wandering around the city. Here are some pictures from our adventures in San Francisco….

me and Sue having Roli Roti
Starting the day off with Roli Roti brunch at the Ferry Building!

Roli Roti plate
The Roli Roti Plate. Best rotisserie chicken ever! The potatoes are also delicious.

Ferry Building
After cleaning off our plates, we went inside the lovely Ferry Building.

trying some oysters in the Ferry Building
We decided to try some of the oysters, since they were only $1.50 each!

oyster shots!
Oyster Shots!

Sue with her oyster
Sue with her oyster.

me with my oyster
The oysters were great! Will definitely have to go get some more there again.

outside the Ferry Building
The three of us outside the Ferry Building.

Sue jumps!
Sue jumping for joy in front of the Bay Bridge.

I jump!
I jump!

Matt jumps!
Matt jumps!

Sue jumping again.
Sue jumping again. This would become a common occurence/theme for the rest of the day.

Sue looking at her map
Finding our way around Telgraph Hill.

Telegraph Hill
Matt jumps at the intersection.

Sue and Matt on the Filbert Steps
Climbing the Filbert Steps... that's right, all 103 of them!

The Filbert Steps
Looking down at the steps... this was still less than a tenth of it. Still a long way to go!

Halfway up, we stopped to smell the flowers.
Halfway up, we stopped to smell the flowers.

Almost there!
Almost there! The Coit Tower is just ahead.

Coit Tower
The Coit Tower! We made it!!!

Sue jumping at the Coit Tower
Sue jumping at the Coit Tower.

Exhausted from the climb.
Exhausted from the climb. Excuse my unattractiveness... but I nearly died climbing those million steps.

the view from San Francisco
The view of the bay from the Coit Tower.

us at the coit Tower
Us outside the Coit Tower, after regaining our composure.

jumping on the streets of San Francisco
Sue jumping on the streets of San Francisco.

my failed attempt
My failed attempt at flying.

Matt got a lot of air!
Matt got a lot of air!

Sue trying to figure out where Liguria Bakery is... when we were right in front of it.
Sue trying to figure out where Liguria Bakery is... when we were right in front of it. lol.

After grabbing some focaccia, we took a break in Washington Park to sit and enjoy the beautiful day.

The pizza focaccia from Liguria Bakery was so good! They gave us so much too; we couldn't finish it.

So many people!
Walking through Fisherman's Grotto. There were so many people!

We walked past Hyde Street Pier, towards the Aquatic Park...

Sue taking photos from the Aquatic Park
Finally here! Sue taking photos from the Aquatic Park.

We walked all the way from the Coit Tower to here!
View of San Francisco from the Aquatic Park. We walked all the way from the Coit Tower (the little tower to the left in the distance) to here! It was quite a lot of walking...

view of the city from the Aquatic Park
Ghirardelli Square and the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park.

Sue and I at the Aquatic Park in San Francisco
Sue and I with San Francisco behind us, before leaving to go to dinner.

It was so good seeing Sue again, since I hadn’t seen her in over three years, since I graduated from Tech. I wish her all the best and I know she’s going to be one of the best architects the world has ever seen, wherever she goes. San Francisco would be lucky to have her! 🙂

Sue makes a final jump at the Aquatic Park
...and I'll end this one last signature jump from Sue!