My best friend Debbie just got into Santa Clara today for her conference, so we drove down to have dinner with her in the South Bay. Our friend Greg, who also went to high school with Debbie and I, came along and we caught up over stone pot Japanese curry at Curry House in Cupertino.
It’s been just about a year since I’d last seen my best friend, so it was so nice seeing her again! I just wish we could have spent more time together — if Santa Clara were closer, I’d be visiting her every evening after her conference schedule. It was great catching up, though, and I hope that I can see both Debbie and Greg again soon! 🙂
June 27, 2010 @ 8:48 am
yayayay!!! thanks for coming to see me bestest! sorry i was so jetlagged and sleepy -__- but i was sooo happy to see you and greg and dan! totally made my conference 🙂 also that curry was so darn tasty!! i miss you alreadddyyyyyyyyyy
June 29, 2010 @ 7:15 am
Thank you for making time to have dinner with us! I’m sorry dinner ended up being so late – I know it was pretty late Eastern time! I’m glad you liked the curry, though. 🙂
I miss you already, too! Hopefully I’ll see you in the fall!