Memorial Day weekend just flew by! It was so nice to have the three-day weekend to get some relaxation in — we saw some friends we hadn’t seen in a while, watched movies and Japanese dramas, and got a lot of shopping done in preparation for Hawaii. I love shopping for summer clothes! (Except that it never gets quite hot enough to wear them around here.)
Here are some photos from Sunday, when we went to a BBQ hosted by Dan’s coworker and friend Kane, and his wife Cristina. Dan loves lizards, so he had fun with their pet bearded dragons….

Earlier in the weekend, I went on the hill in El Cerrito with my friends Yumi and Mark, and discovered this fun swing atop the hill. It’s just a board hung on a single thick rope from a tall branch, but you can get a lot of air with it. The hill is the prominent one you can see from the highway (the 80), and the view from there is pretty neat! One one side, you can see all the East Bay hills, and if you turn around, you’re greeted with a sweeping view of the whole bay and San Francisco, even the Golden Gate Bridge! I took Dan back to the hill after the BBQ so he could check it out too.

It’s back to work tomorrow, but I’m grateful that we were able to have a relaxing, productive weekend. 馃檪 I can’t believe it’s already June!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend as well!
June 1, 2010 @ 12:01 am
Cute photos!!
I thought you didn’t like lizards and reptiles =p
June 1, 2010 @ 8:01 pm
Hi Lisa! Thanks for the comment 馃檪
It’s true, I’m not a big fan… I was a little apprehensive this time too, but the little guy was not too bad. 馃檪
June 1, 2010 @ 9:24 pm
June 2, 2010 @ 2:21 pm
June 2, 2010 @ 9:16 am
The moment I saw your friend’s, Christina’s photo, I thought it was you, misono…!
Glad that you had relaxing weekend! We did BBQ on Sunday too, and I ate way too much.
June 2, 2010 @ 2:23 pm
hahaha* Mari, I just saw you in March! Even if I got pregnant since then, I wouldn’t have grown that much yet!!! 猫碌陇茫聛隆茫鈥毱捗b氣溍ε撆该ヂ锯γB佲斆B佲劉茫聛沤茫聛聽茫鈥毸喢b偓聛茫茠啪茫茠陋茂录聛茂录藛莽卢鈥樏尖
I ate way too much at the BBQ we went to this weekend, too! I usually don’t like BBQ food because it’s all burgers and hot dogs, but Cristina had made the most amazing chicken and tritip and grilled vegetables, I just couldn’t stop eating….
Living the (not) suburban lifestyle « fixer with a view
June 5, 2010 @ 5:51 pm
[…] and beautiful and the meat-cookery largely successful. Besides my family, Kane’s coworker Dan and his wife Misono—having recently moved from Berkeley to our neck of the woods—came on over for grilled […]