If you haven’t already heard of Google’s mobile OS, Android, you’re in for a treat. It sets itself apart from being the first and only open-source mobile OS on the market. Meaning, programmers world wide can create applications free from regulation and royalities. More and more providers are seeing the potential of the OS and are quickly adopting the new platform. Which bring me to my big dilemma, which phone to choose!!!
Sprint HTC Hero:
I’ve been researching this phone for months before its late and quiet arrival. Originally it looked far different because it was a Euro GSM version. With the admirable 15 degree chin, Teflon backing, and sharp ridged angles. Almost a year later its American younger brother showed its ugly face as the “Sprint Hero”. The so called, “Face-lift” by the Sprint representatives removed the chin and the sharp features. But along with the new looks came: a bigger battery, better 5mp camera, updated speedy firmware, and the sprint exclusive “Sense UI” feature. In the time Sprint was modifying the Hero, they added a customized feature they call Sense. Its generally designed to help customize the looks and feel of the phone. It is Sprint’s polished version of Android. About a week ago I went to see the phone in person, and as expected it was a nice fit.
– Good sized phone, very ergonomic
– Cheap after the 2-year blood contract – $180 – before tax $65/mo with Misono’s account
– Android 1.6 with Sense UI – UPDATE via HTC’s Twitter – Android 2.0 Éclair coming soon!
– Simple and straightforward Sprint service plan
– Scrollball
– Uglier than its older brother
– LCD could be bigger and higher resolution
– Older hardware – 528 MHZ CPU
– Only comes with a 2GB MicroSD card
Verizon Motorola Droid:
Then there is the Verizon Motorola Droid, a new contender that took me by surprise. Check out this video if you haven’t already. It rocks those redundant Apple hating PC ads. Not to mention it has amazing motion graphics and sound!
I only learned about this phone about 5 days ago and its been a stunner. I’ve been so focused on the HTC Hero that I didn’t see any means to stray elsewhere. Everyday I check up on this phone I find more and more amazing things about it. From the Google Nav system to the huge and sharp LCD. Could this be the best thing to hit Motorola, since God knows when. People online have been raving about this phone being far superior than the Iphone. Steve Jobs made a comment saying all other smart phones are still catching up to the first Iphone, but he conveniently forgot about Android being increasing powerful. Native Flash Support, multitasking, and of course cut & paste (something Blackberries had before iPhones)
All this great stuff, but I hadn’t forgotten to mention the dark side of the Droid. Verizon. To this day I’ve been using Verizon (with a Samsung u-740 aka Alias), and I vowed never to go with Verizon again. They are the Nazi of the mobile industry; charging for every little overage from minutes to the megabyte usage. They throw their weight everywhere on the media claiming to be the best, when you can’t use their CDMA service outside the USA.
– Amazing LCD – 848 x 480 3.7in LCD (iPhone is only – 480 x 320)
– Hard keyboard with D-pad
– ARM 550 Mhz CPU – Top of the line mobile chip
– Android 2.0
– Cheap after rebate – $200, and possibly unlimited data for $69/mo?
– 16GB MicroSD card
– Google Navigation Beta (in all Android 2.0 devices)
– SHADY OVERAGES! – I F*CKing hate Verizon for this
– Rumors claim the mail-in rebate is unusual and sketchy
– 2-more years of selling my soul to the devil
– Verizon will most likely charge for every little thing, even if you have a Unlimited Data Plan
– Motorola’s bad rep for making horrid phones
– CDMA network
D-Day is approaching…
Help me decide what android device is probably the best bet for functionality, price, service, and looks. And no, do not mention the iPhone, they are out of the question.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
October 29, 2009 @ 6:32 pm
hm interesting dan. this blog is so cute haha!
im curious to see which you go for. do you have any old crappy phones that work with verizon? minez broke and i have two more months before i can change services….
November 14, 2009 @ 9:21 am
Mr. Dan, I’ve enjoyed reading your tech spot posts. I find that your posts have been nicely articulated. Choices, choices, huh? Go with the phone you feel will please you and do you the most good with your timeline. And btw, who doesn’t charge for overages? I can see you aren’t a fan of Verizon so maybe that’s a cue to move on as you have indicated. I’m appreciative that you took the responsibility of handing the family plan for us. Have fun with the new phone.
November 15, 2009 @ 5:03 pm
I went with the HTC HERO yesterday!
I really like this phone even without all the extra bells and whistles. It has high customization features with tons of free apps. Plus the Hero will be upgrading to Android 2.0 soon. Then I’ll have Google Nav!
Thanks for reading.
November 16, 2009 @ 8:16 pm
Now that Dan has his new phone, it’s:
Misono < HTC :'(